Tuesday, September 24, 2013

So a meerkat, a warthog and a lion walk into Pittsburgh

I wrote a post last night about our experience attending the autism friendly version of The Lion King; however, you will not find it here.  Instead, you can find it by clicking here and visiting the Pittsburgh Mom blog spot.  I have read Pittsburgh Mom blogs for a while now, to gain advice, find out cool things to do in our city, etc and started bugging her a short time ago about being a guest blogger.  Luckily for me she caved and let me write this little dittie about Pittsburgh's production of The Lion King

So, please stop by and check it out and also check out her Facebook page where there is tons of information about Pittsburgh and a great connecting place for local moms! 

And ps...the show was great even if my aspie didn't think so......


Wendy said...

This was so fantastically written! I laughed, I cried...and I could relate to every word! We debated going to this show but, like you, find it to be a scary thing to venture out with our (4 y.o. high functioning autistic) son into "new" territory. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. How fortunate we are to live in a city that would give our children the opportunity to see a show they would/could not otherwise see!

Unknown said...

Hi Wendy! Thank you so much for leaving that comment! I really appreciate it and am so happy when someone out there relates! We are so fortunate to live in Pittsburgh, who seems to have open arms to our families when it comes to stuff like that. I have been looking for other autism friendly events and will post them on here if I find any more! Hope all is well!

Wendy said...

I will definitely be checking back to see what you find! I am truly enjoing (and relating to!) everything you've written that I've read so far!
By the way, did you know that Loew's Theatre does "Sensory Friendly" movies? You should look into it...I've taken my son to one and it was amazing (he refuses to go to "regular" movies)! Lights dimly lit, no previews, sound turned down and kids can run around and just be themselves! Fabulous!