Tuesday, April 2, 2013


The month of April is Autism Awareness Month!  Today, April 2nd, is light is up blue day to bring autism awareness to light around the world! Please show your support for autism by wearing blue, posting a pic on your social media page or lighting your house blue.  Believe it or not, many people still do not know what autism is or how it affects those who have it.  The other day someone asked my husband if autism was like having asthma.  Many people have at least heard of the word autism, but still do not understand that it is a syndrome that someone will have for the rest of their lives. 

Even those who deal with autism everyday are still confused; much like us.  What causes it?  Why does our child have it?  What therapies should we do?  What organizations should we support?  With so many questions and so many unanswered problems it is nice to have one day to put it all aside and just stand up and say, I know someone who has autism and I care.  I am autism aware, and for today that is all we need to do.  To stand united and say, light it up blue for autism today!

For more fun ways to light it up blue go to my Facebook page by clicking here!

My aspie also wanted me to post these two pics of his favorite BLUE trains.  Think Thomas and Gordon being blue is a coincidence....I think not!!! 

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